Posts from March 2025

Posts from March 2025

Holy Week

Join Fair Oaks for Holy Week. On Maundy Thursday, April 17, at 7 pm, we will join in a solemn remembrance of the Last Supper and Jesus’s final commandment to love one another with communion and Tenebrae. On Easter Sunday, April 20, at 10 am, we will joyfully celebrate the resurrection. There will be an Easter reception and children’s confetti egg hunt after the service. All are welcome!

Palm Sunday

Join us on Sun., April 13, at 9 am, for a special intergenerational Sunday School time for families to experience together followed by a palm processional led by the children.

Centennial Worship Service & Celebration Lunch!

Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church was founded 100 years ago, and we are marking this significant milestone with a special worship service and lunch. Please join us for our Centennial Worship Service on Sun., May 4, 10 – 11:30 am, followed by a Celebration Lunch from 11:30 am – 2 pm. All are welcome!

FOPC Co-Ed Softball Team

This spring Fair Oaks will once again field a recreational softball team. Games will be played against other rec teams from around the area. Sign up to join the team here! Contact Ben with questions.  When: Friday Nights after 7pm, from April 25 – June 13 Who: Anyone 18-99 interested in a good time! Cost: $50 per player

LOGOS 2024-2025

LOGOS has wrapped up for the church year and will resume in late September. Thanks to everyone who helped to make it a great year for children, youth and adults! LOGOS is a weekly intergenerational experience where adults and children in grades 1 – 12 build relationships with one another and with God. Click here for more information, and email Hailey with any questions.

Chili, Cornbread & Pie!

All adults are invited to Chili, Cornbread and Pie!, the annual potluck dinner, on Sunday, April 6, at 6 pm. We ask that you bring enough of one of the items to feed six to eight people. Soft drinks and water will be provided. BYOB for any other beverages. Reply here, and email the office for the potluck location.

March Mission Trip Madness!!! 

As the NCAA men’s and women’s D1 basketball tournaments head to the Final Four, best wishes to all in the church’s tournament. All proceeds of the church’s tournament will go towards this year’s Senior High Mission Trip to Atlanta, GA. Pay for your brackets online here, selecting the “Sr High Mission Trip” fund from the pull-down menu. Good luck!

One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)

Adults and children participate in OGHS, which is a special offering collected during Lent that  supports key ministries including Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program and the Self-Development of People ministry. OGHS is a way for Presbyterians to collectively give to those in need around the world. Adults can give using the envelopes in the pews or online selecting the “One Great Hour of Sharing” fund in the drop-down menu. Children donate to OGHS with their fish banks, which are…