Church Life

Church Life

Church Life

At Fair Oaks, there are many opportunities to learn, to serve, and to build community for adults of all ages. Let us help you find your place here.


Sunday school for all ages is offered at 9 am throughout the church year. For age-specific programming, see the Adults, Children, Middle School and Senior High links in the drop-down menu on this page.


Volunteering in Fair Oaks Mission activities offers many different opportunities to serve. Visit the Mission page to see all the options at Fair Oaks to use your unique skills and talents to serve others.

Music Ministry welcomes singers and ringers and instrumentalists to join our vibrant program. To learn about all the opportunities, visit the Music Ministry page.

Youth Ministry offers many ways to support youth faith formation. Visit the Family section and the LOGOS section to learn about all the Fair Oaks youth programs.

Maker’s Ministry members use their sewing and crafting skills to make prayer blankets and baptism quilts, as well as contributing handcrafted items for church and community events. Email for information about meeting times and dates.

The Green Team, as part of the Interfaith Green Network of Oak Park, works to implement sustainable practices in our building, our activities, and our community. Our current focus is the Native Plant Garden and education offerings (link to Contact


Fall Feast brings our community together for a shared meal of thanksgiving.

Longest Night Luminarias light walks around and to our church door as we offer a night of prayer on this special occasion.

Progressive Dinners occur during the year as we share appetizers as a whole church group, share a meal with a smaller group, then return to the whole group for dessert.

Block Party offers an opportunity for us to welcome our neighbors to an outdoor celebration in front of our church.