Goodbye to the Afghan Family!

Goodbye to the Afghan Family!

The Afghan family that Fair Oaks has sponsored for almost three years Is moving to California! Our shared three years with them has been full of complicated problems and joyful solutions. We are happy that, with this move, they will be reunited with their large extended family which preceded them to California over a year ago. But we will miss their exuberant good spirits, their loving care for each other, and the amazing adaptation we witnessed to a new country and new culture under very difficult circumstances.

The Story

The Afghan family arrived in Chicago in October 2021. They went to the airport in Kabul four times before finally getting on a plane during the mass evacuation. Arriving family members included the mother and her six children, ages 1 – 18. The father, who worked for the US Embassy, died of Covid shortly before the evacuation.

Fair Oaks collaborated with Grace Lutheran Church in co-sponsoring the family through RefugeeOne. Fair Oaks completely furnished their apartment in Rogers Park and provided clothing, shoes, boots and coats for the family, as well as school supplies for the school-age children. Through the first year, the Fair Oaks team met regularly with family, helping solve problems, providing needed supplies and information, and making sure they had access to schooling, activities, social services, medical care, and community resources.

Over the next almost two years, the family shifted from the sadness and uncertainty that marked the first year. All of the children have grown, adapted and learned English well.

  • Oldest son, now 21, has graduated high school and is in his second year in community college. He also works part-time to support the family.
  • Second oldest son, now 18 years old, has done well academically at a Math and Science Charter school and is now working part time alongside his brother.
  • Youngest son, now 12, has just completed 5th grade in a local CPS school, where he thrived academically and played on the school soccer team.
  • Oldest daughter, now 8, has finished 1st grade and become a fluent English speaker.
  • Second oldest daughter, now 6, completed kindergarten and loves to draw and color.
  • Youngest daughter, now 3, enters preschool in the fall and is a bundle of energy and fun.
  • The mother is the hero. Alone, she has managed to care for six children including the toddler, get them all to school, keep the household running, managed through an acute medical crisis of one of the younger children, and has now begun to learn English.

The care and support offered from so many members of Fair Oaks throughout the past three years has been an important part of the family’s adaptation. Many people contributed needed items, including clothing, home furnishings, school supplies, bicycles, sports equipment, and cellphones. Part of the Mission Committee/Faith in Action funding each of these years was used to purchase essential items for the family, so all of Fair Oaks has contributed to this remarkable story.

A huge thank you from the mother and her children and from Faith in Action/Mission to everyone who welcomed and supported them. Note, the mother and four youngest children are pictured. The oldest boys were at work.