One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)

One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)

Adults and children participate in OGHS, which is a special offering collected during Lent that  supports key ministries including Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program and the Self-Development of People ministry. OGHS is a way for Presbyterians to collectively give to those in need around the world. Adults can give using the envelopes in the pews or online selecting the “One Great Hour of Sharing” fund in the drop-down menu.

Children donate to OGHS with their fish banks, which are available in the narthex along with sharing calendars. Fish banks are a fun way for children, youth and families to live out their faith during Lent as they participate in the OGHS offering. Our coins and dollars will bring relief to people who are experiencing a crisis. God will multiply our gifts as he did with the boy who gave his loaves and fish (John 6:9-13). Children will bring their fish banks to the Palm Sunday service on April 13.

Click here for more information on OGHS.