Sermons by Rev. Ben Lynch (Page 5)
A Sermon for Easter Sunday
Gospel Lesson Matthew 28: 1-10
The Kingdom of Heaven’s King was a Hungry, Thirsty, Naked, Sick, Imprisoned Stranger
Gospel Lesson Matthew 25:31-46
The Kingdom of Heaven is Upsetting and Unsettling
Gospel Lesson Matthew 21:23-32 (Editor’s Note. The sermon ends in an unusual way, which was acknowledged and corrected later in the service)
The Kingdom of Heaven Begins in the Dirt
GOSPEL LESSON Matthew 13:31-32
Humans With Histories
Gospel Lesson Matthew 8: 14-17; 9: 9-13
The Old is New Again
Gospel Lesson Matthew 5:1-20
The Virtues of Wondering and Wandering
Gospel Lesson Matthew 2:1-23; 28:16-20
Candles at Midnight Blue
Epistle Lessons 1 John 4:8b, 12 1 Corintians 13:8-10
To Choose Mercy
Scripture Lesson 2 Kings 5:1-15a Matthew 8:1-3
Spiraling Upward
Scripture Lesson 2 Samuel 12:1-7a Matthew 7:12
The Promised and the Problematic
LESSONS FROM THE HEBREW BIBLE Joshua 24:1-15 Isaiah 19:23-25 GOSPEL LESSON Matthew 5:43-45a
What Do We Do With It?
Reading Isaiah 1:15